Results for 'Enrique Nafarrate Mexâia'

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  1. Enrique Serrano Gómez.Enrique Serrano Gómez - 2005 - Signos Filosóficos 7 (13).
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    Enrique P. Haba, Raul Suarez de Miguel, Mario Nicolodi, George Chatalian, Hans Ebeling.Enrique P. Haba, Raul Suarez de Miguel, Mario Nicolodi, George Chatalian & Hans Ebeling - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 5:610-611.
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  3. Tratado de Astrología atribuido a Enrique de Villena, ed. Pedro M. Cátedra, intr. Julio Samsó, Barcelona.Enrique de Villena - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    Philosophical Issues.Enrique Villanueva (ed.) - 1996 - Atascadero: Ridgeview.
    This is a collection of papers on metaethics very broadly conceived, to include, for example, moral psychology. Incorporates a broad view of philosophy, utilizing contributions from leading philosophers Provides readers with the latest cutting-edge developments in this extensive subject.
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    Ethics of Liberation in the Age of Globalization and Exclusion.Enrique Dussel - 2012 - Duke University Press. Edited by Alejandro A. Vallega.
    High cultures and the inter-regional system: beyond Hellenocentrism -- The material moment of the ethics, practical truth -- Formal morality, intersubjective validity -- Ethical feasibility and the "goodness claim" -- The ethical critique of the prevailing system : from the perspective of the negativity of the victims -- The anti-hegemonic validity of the community of victims -- The liberation principle -- Appendix I. some theses in the order of their appearance in the text -- Appendix II. Sais: capital of Egypt.
  6. Philosophy of Liberation.Enrique Dussel - 1988 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 23 (1):50-50.
  7. Defining LFIs and LFUs in extensions of infectious logics.Szmuc Damian Enrique - 2016 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 26 (4):286-314.
    The aim of this paper is to explore the peculiar case of infectious logics, a group of systems obtained generalizing the semantic behavior characteristic of the -fragment of the logics of nonsense, such as the ones due to Bochvar and Halldén, among others. Here, we extend these logics with classical negations, and we furthermore show that some of these extended systems can be properly regarded as logics of formal inconsistency and logics of formal undeterminedness.
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  8. The architectonic of the ethics of liberation: On material ethics and formal moralities.Enrique Dussel - 1997 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 23 (3):1-35.
    This contribution is a critical and constructive engage ment with discourse ethics. First, it clarifies why discourse ethics has difficulties with the grounding and application of moral norms. Second, it turns to a positive appropriation of the formal and proce dural aspects of discourse ethics. The goal is the elaboration of an ethics that is able to incorporate the material aspects of goods and the formal dimension of ethical validity and consensuability. Every morality is the formal application of some substantive (...)
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    Law: Metaphysics, Meaning, and Objectivity.Enrique Villanueva (ed.) - 2007 - Rodopi.
    Interpretivist theories of law / Nicos Stavropoulos -- How facts make law / Mark Greenberg -- On the normative significance of brute facts / Ram Neta -- On practices and the law / Mark Greenberg -- Supervenience, value, and legal content / Enrique Villanueva -- Reasons without values? / Mark Greenberg -- Theory, practice and ubiquitous interpretation : the basics / Martin Stone -- Law as a reflective practice / Scott Hershovitz -- On reflective practices and 'substituting for God' (...)
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  10. Stable theories with a new predicate.Enrique Casanovas & Martin Ziegler - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3):1127-1140.
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    Information, Semantics and Epistemology.Enrique Villanueva (ed.) - 1990 - Cambridge: Blackwell.
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    A Supersimple Nonlow Theory.Enrique Casanovas & Byunghan Kim - 1998 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39 (4):507-518.
    This paper presents an example of a supersimple nonlow theory and characterizes its independence relation.
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    Beyond Philosophy: Ethics, History, Marxism, and Liberation Theology.Enrique D. Dussel (ed.) - 2003 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Enrique Ambrosini Dussel is and has been one of the most prolific Latin American philosophers of the last 100 years. This is the definitive English language collection of Dussel's enormous body of work in ethics, economics, history, and liberation theology.
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  14. A new age in the history of philosophy: The world dialogue between philosophical traditions.Enrique Dussel - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (5):499-516.
    This article argues the following points. (1) It is necessary to affirm that all of humanity has always sought to address certain `core universal problems' that are present in all cultures. (2) The rational responses to these `core problems' first acquire the shape of mythical narratives. (3) The formulation of categorical philosophical discourses is a subsequent development in human rationality, which does not, however, negate all mythical narratives. These discourses arose in all the great urban neolithic cultures (even if only (...)
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    Ética revolucionaria: compromiso de todos.Enrique José Paredes - 2009 - Caracas: Fundación Socialismo del Siglo XXI.
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  16. Heraclitus, Plato, and the philosophic dogs.Enrique Hülsz Piccone - 2015 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 15:105-115.
    The paper focuses on a neglected instance of the Platonic reception of Heraclitus in the Republic, trying to show that it’s likely that Plato’s passage makes an allusion to Heraclitus’ B97 and B85. The main claim is that Plato’s use of the image of dogs looks back to Heraclitus, which invites an exploration of the possibility that at least some elements of Plato’s kallipolis might derive from Heraclitus – particularly from some ethical and political fragments. A brief survey of these (...)
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    Omitting types in incomplete theories.Enrique Casanovas & Rafel Farré - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (1):236-245.
    We characterize omissibility of a type, or a family of types, in a countable theory in terms of non-existence of a certain tree of formulas. We extend results of L. Newelski on omitting $ non-isolated types. As a consequence we prove that omissibility of a family of $ types is equivalent to omissibility of each countable subfamily.
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  18. From Fraternity to Solidarity: Toward a Politics of Liberation.Enrique Dussel - 2007 - Journal of Social Philosophy 38 (1):73-92.
  19. (1 other version)La teoría pragmática de la vaguedad. Problemas Y perspectivas (the pragmatic theory of vagueness. Problems and perspectives).Enrique Romerales - 2004 - Theoria 19 (1):49-75.
    Los dos grandes problemas del enfoque supervaluacionista para la vaguedad son determinar cuáles son las precisificaciones admisibles y la vaguedad de orden superior ilimitado. Apelando al uso de los términos vagos por la comunidad lingüística competente puede dividirse de forma tajante la extension de un término precisando en qué casos se aplica definidamente, en cuáles se aplica indefinidamente y en cuales es indeterminado si se aplica. Esto produce dos órdenes de vaguedad, con lo que se bloquean los argumentos sorites. Finalmente (...)
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    Discourses of Nature in New Perceptions of the Natural Landscape in Southern Chile.Enrique Aliste, Mauricio Folchi & Andrés Núñez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:296209.
    Landscapes are shaped over time by the changing imaginaries that result from new representations of nature and the value associated with it. This paper discusses the evolving discourses which have shaped the perception of the landscape in two socially and ecologically significant contexts in Chile. The first is the central-southern region of the country, a large portion of which is now devoted to commercial forestry plantations. The second is the Patagonia-Aysén region, where since the 1990s, colonisation of a land defined (...)
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    (1 other version)Ingenio E industria. Guía de referencia sobre la tesis de Turing-church (inventiveness and skili. Reference guide on church-Turing thesis).Enrique Alonso - 1999 - Theoria 14 (2):249-273.
    La Teoría de la Computación es un campo especialmente rico para la indagación filosófica. EI debate sobre el mecanicismo y la discusión en torno a los fundamentos de la matemática son tópicos que estan directamente asociados a la Teoria de la Computación desde su misma creación como disciplina independiente. La Tesis de Turing-Church constituye uno de los resultados mas característicos en este campo estando, además, lleno de consecuencias filosóficas. En este ensayo se ofrece una guía de referencia útil a aquellos (...)
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    Validity and Reliability of a Commercially Available Indoor Tracking System to Assess Distance and Time in Court-Based Sports.Enrique Colino, Jorge Garcia-Unanue, Javier Sanchez-Sanchez, Javier Calvo-Monera, Manuel Leon, María Jose Carvalho, Leonor Gallardo, Jose Luis Felipe & Archit Navandar - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    En busca de otra filosofía cristiana desde Ortega y Marías.Enrique González Fernández - 2019 - Revista de Filosofía 44 (2):231-252.
    Ortega y Marías invitan a elaborar una nueva filosofía cristiana, distinta de la vieja, en la cual ha pesado excesivamente la herencia conceptual del pensamiento griego, ajeno al cristianismo. Resulta una rémora del pensamiento el sustancialismo, el naturalismo y la entificación de la realidad. Es menester un enérgico esfuerzo para apartarse de imágenes recibidas, mantenidas inercialmente, a veces durante siglos, procedentes, en gran parte, de actitudes no cristianas.
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    Travesía liberal: del fin de la historia a la historia sin fin.Enrique Krauze - 2003 - Barcelona: Tusquets Editores.
    Al hilo de los testimonios y las entrevistas, las biografías y el análisis de la obra de figuras cardinales como Isaiah Berlin, Jorge Luis Borges, Leszek Kolakowski, Hugh Thomas, Paul Kennedy o John Elliott, Travesía liberal ofrece las claves para comprender los vaivenes de la historia, desde la España imperial hasta el 11-S, y arrojar nueva luz en el inquietante comienzo del siglo xx. Sólo un historiador como Enrique Krauze podía vertebrar episodios tan alejados en el tiempo y en (...)
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    Reply to the editor.Enrique S. Pumar - 1997 - Sociological Theory 15 (1):3.
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    Precise entities but irredeemably vague concepts?Enrique Romerales - 2002 - Dialectica 56 (3):213–233.
    Various arguments have recently been put forward to support the existence of vague or fuzzy objects. Nevertheless, the only possibly compelling argument would support, not the existence of vague objects, but indeterminately existing objects. I argue for the non‐existence of any vague entities—either particulars or properties ‐ in the mind‐independent world. Even so, many philosophers have claimed that to reduce vagueness to semantics is of no avail, since linguistic vagueness betrays semantic incoherence and this is no less a problem than (...)
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  27. "El Ideal de la Humanidad" de Krause 175 años después: contexto y génesis de una obra desconocida.Enrique M. UreÑa - 1986 - Pensamiento 42 (168):413-431.
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  28. Gilbert Harman: "The Nature of Morality".Enrique Villanueva - 1980 - Dianoia 26 (26):315.
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  29. JONATHAN RÉE, "Descartes".Enrique Villanueva - 1976 - Critica 8 (22):121.
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    Verificacionismo y clases naturales en el ataque contra la privacidad.Enrique Villanueva - 1977 - Critica 9 (27):83-88.
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    Twenty Theses on Politics.Enrique Dussel - 2008 - Duke University Press.
    First published in Spanish in 2006, _Twenty Theses on Politics_ is a major statement on political philosophy from Enrique Dussel, one of Latin America’s—and the world’s—most important philosophers, and a founder of the philosophy of liberation. Synthesizing a half-century of his pioneering work in moral and political philosophy, Dussel presents a succinct rationale for the development of political alternatives to the exclusionary, exploitative institutions of neoliberal globalization. In twenty short, provocative theses he lays out the foundational elements for a (...)
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  32. 'De sancta uirginitate', ¿cuestión eclesial o de género?: una propuesta hermenéutica.Enrique A. Eguiarte Bendímez - 2008 - Augustinus 53 (208):41-64.
    El artículo estudia la obra "De sancta uirginitate" desde un punto de vista eclesiológico, superando así la opinión según la cual sólo las mujeres consagradas a Dios son destinatarias de ella. Comenta también la polémica sobre la uirginitas a finales del siglo IV y principios del siglo V, y cómo presenta la virginidad el pensamiento agustiniano.
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  33. La promoción de la salud en el contexto del desarrollo social.Enrique Guada - 2002 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (6):69-86.
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  34. Los aspectos antipedagógicos de los videojuegos.Enrique Javier Díez Gutiérrez - 2007 - Critica 57 (947):49-53.
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    Lo platónico en el siglo V p.C., Proclo: (análisis de las fuentes del Comentario de Proclo al Timeo platónico en su libro V, Prólogo y Genealogía de los dioses).Enrique Angel Ramos Jurado - 1981 - [Sevilla]: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla.
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  36. Las Universidades de Verano en Santander desde 1932 a 1936: en el ochenta aniversario de su inauguración.Enrique Somavilla Rodríguez - 2012 - Ciudad de Dios 225 (3):695-742.
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  37. Posibles salidas de la actual crisis.Enrique del Río - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (975):34-39.
    Para sugerir posibles soluciones a las desigualdades sociales, culturales y económicas, así como al alarmante deterioro del planeta, es necesario tener en cuenta que las causas que las provocan no son coyunturales. Según numerosos expertos, estamos ante una crisis estructural, energética, alimentaria, social, económica, medioambiental, política, institucional, cultural y de valores.
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  38. Imperio y república en José del Campillo y Cosío y Adam Smith.Enrique Ujaldón - 2009 - Res Publica. Murcia 21.
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    Local supersimplicity and related concepts.Enrique Casanovas & Frank O. Wagner - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (2):744-758.
    We study local strengthenings of the simplicity condition. In particular, we define and study a local Lascar rank, as well as short, low, supershort and superlow theories. An example of a low, non supershort theory is given.
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    Civil Society and the Modern Constitutional Complex: The Argentine Experience.Enrique Peruzzotti - 1997 - Constellations 4 (1):94-104.
    While constitutionalism is generally reduced to the idea of limited government, little has been said to its contribution to the juridification of the social sphere. The article shows the significance of constitutionalism for the institutionalization of modern civil societies. Modern civil societies, it is argued, can only flourish in a form of modern state that has undergone a process of internal differentiation in the direction of a separation of powers. Through the analysis of the process of self‐constitution of Argentine civil (...)
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  41. Alliances Between Brands and Social Causes: The Influence of Company Credibility on Social Responsibility Image.Enrique Bigné Alcañiz, Ruben Chumpitaz Cáceres & Rafael Currás Pérez - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (2):169-186.
    This research extends previous findings related to the positive influence of company credibility on a social Cause–Brand Alliance’s (CBA) persuasion mechanism. This study analyzes the mediating role of two dimensions of company credibility (trustworthiness and expertise) with regard to the influence of altruistic attributions and two types of brand–cause fit (functional and image fit) on corporate social responsibility image. A structural equation model tests the proposed framework with a sample of 299 consumers, and the results suggest that (1) image fit (...)
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  42. The Social Function of History.Enrique Florescano - 1994 - Diogenes 42 (168):41-49.
    “There is not, then, more than one science of man in time (history), and that science has the task of uniting the study of the dead with the study of the living.”— Marc BlochUnlike the scientist, who in the nineteenth century was anointed with the aura of the solitary genius, the historian has, since ancient times, been thought of as a creator conditioned by his social group. The historian knows his profession thanks to routine apprenticeship under his professors. He trains (...)
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    Concepts.Enrique Villanueva - 1998
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    Delito y punibilidad.Enrique Bacigalupo - 1983 - Madrid: Civitas.
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    Pedagogía latinoamericana: teoría y praxis en Paulo Freire.Enrique Bambozzi - 2000 - Córdoba, República Argentina: Editorial Universitaria, Secretaría de Extensión Universitaria, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
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    (1 other version)What Has Contextualism to Do with Skepticism?Enrique Villanueva - 2000 - Noûs 34 (s1):67 - 71.
  47. Fray Luis de León llevado a la Inquisición española de la mano de la madre Teresa de Jesús.Enrique Llamas - 1991 - Ciudad de Dios 204 (2-3):733-763.
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  48. Presupuestos o base filosófica de la teología de los salmanticenses.Enrique Llamas - 1984 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 11:481-496.
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  49. La crítica popperiana a la justificación teórica del historicismo político.Enrique Muñoz Mickle - 2002 - Universitas Philosophica 38:295-314.
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  50. Incorporación del rector de la Universidad de Concepción.Enrique Molina - 1941 - Santiago de Chile: Talleres de la Editorial Nascimento. Edited by Claudio Rosales.
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